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With the Implantable Collamer Lens technology, apart from low to moderate myopia, we are now able to treat levels of nearsightedness that were previously thought to be untreatable.

The EVO ICL is made from Collamer, an exclusive technologically advanced lens material. Because of the collagen in Collamer, it is bio-compatible with the eye, creates clear, sharp vision and provides built-in UV protection.

Each patient’s lenses are hand-selected and customized by the surgeon to ensure the best possible results. This procedure can also be combined with a LASIK treatment if we find that it will further improve results.

How it Works

To correct your vision, the advanced Collamer lens is inserted into your eye, in front of the natural crystalline lens but behind the iris so that it is invisible to anyone looking at you. The EVO lens corrects your prescription (refractive error) and has you seeing clearly – without glasses or contacts.

Who is a Candidate?

A good candidate for EVO ICL surgery is typically someone with a moderate to higher degree of nearsightedness (myopia), with or without astigmatism, or patients with thin corneas or dry eye syndrome. The typical candidate would wear glasses or another type of corrective lenses, like contacts. Unlike some other vision correction procedures, age is less of a factor for this procedure. If you have been told you are not a candidate for LASIK, or other laser eye surgery in the past, this may be the perfect procedure for you!

Is It Safe?

EVO ICL has a great track record, with over 3 million+ ICL lenses distributed worldwide. EVO ICL is USFDA-approved for safety. The procedure is also reversible; the lens can be removed at any time and does not permanently change the shape or structure of the eye.